At this time of the year when we exchange gifts, we wanted to share an article on why residential window films might be the best gift you can buy for your home.
Some Gifts Residential Window Films Give To Your Home
Improved Comfort – There are a variety of things that can impact the comfort of your home. One is a consistent temperature throughout the home. To accomplish that, you need to be able to eliminate hot and cold spots. These zones often are located near specific windows in your home. Some window films can be utilized to block excessive heat in the summer and retain heat in the winter. In addition, window films can improve comfort by reducing excessive glare coming through windows at certain times of the day.
Preserve Furnishings – Another way that window film can be a great gift for your home is by helping to preserve your furniture, flooring and furnishings. Most window films block 99% or more of the sun’s damaging UV rays. Because UV rays account for 40% of the reasons furnishings fade, nearly any window film will help increase the longevity of the interior valuables.
Upgrade Privacy and Decor – There are a variety of decorative window films that can be used to increase privacy by making glass panels opaque or frosted where needed. This can be extremely beneficial for bathroom windows or front door sidelight glass. In addition, these decorative window films can also be customized to add decorative elements and designs to glass panels within your home.
These are just a couple ways that window films can make a great gift for your home. If you would like more information on residential window films, click HERE. If you have any questions, contact us by calling (714) 345-9846 or clicking us HERE. We would be happy to discuss the options with you and provide you with a free, no obligation quote of implementing a home window film product into your Anaheim, California area house.